Roundwound Nickel-Plated Steel Features: Standard Long Scale 34" H3045 050-070-095-115
GHS Bass Saiten aus der beliebten und preiswerten Boomerserie geeignet f?r alle 34" Mensuren Wound aus vernickelten Stahl, wen...
E-Bassgitarren Saite mit geschliffener Saitenwicklung aus Stainless Steel. Hexagonaler Kern. Durch spezielle Kreuzwicklungstec...
Strings for Western guitars made from Phosphor Bronze on a hexagonal string core. Warm, rich sound. USA made with the newest t...
Strings for Western guitars made from 80/20 Copper-Zink alloy on a hexagonal string core. Brilliant, loud and long lasting. US...